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In keeping with our church’s ongoing focus on biblical stewardship as an essential part of Christian discipleship, I’d like to encourage you to join us on Sunday, March 17th at 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. for a free stewardship workshop entitled Getting Established. Pizza, salad, and baby-stting will be provided. 

This workshop is designed for young families and singles wanting to establish a biblical worldview in their finances. It will provide scriptural insights and effective planning tools to help you establish a solid financial foundation and confidently navigate this challenging stage of life. 

The workshop will be led by Rich Todd, Vice President for Ministry Development from Orchard Alliance, a stewardship and generosity ministry of The Alliance. Rich has served The Alliance for over 23 years as a pastor, international worker, ministry leader in the National Office, and now with Orchard Alliance. He enjoys equipping ministry leaders for Kingdom impact and is eager to serve our church family as we grow into deeper levels of biblical stewardship.

You’ll walk away equipped to:

  • Create a biblically based will at no cost.
  • Apply key biblical principles to your financial planning.
  • Build a secure future for you and your family.
  •  Write or update a will through a simple tool. 

Please e-mail  Kathy Sutherland know if you are coming so she can plan for baby-sitting and food. 

REGISTER HERE or by using the registration QR code on the picture above.